Friday, December 21, 2007

Standing in crib

Just now (and I mean just now!) I pulled to standing in my crib. Yeah! Why do Mommy and Daddy look so worried?

I'm on the floor now - cat food here I come!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Baby pullups (not diapers)

Daddy's song:
My froggy he am a queer bird
He ain't got no tail almost hardly
When him run when him jump
When him jump him fall down
No he ain't got no tail almost hardly.

Daddy tried to hide my froggy, but I still got him!
I've pulled myself up on the ottoman and on the dishwasher, and before I fall over someone rushes over and catches me - yay, let's do it again!

P.S. I crawl on my hands and knees really well now and faster everyday.

Monday, December 10, 2007

It's true

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dec 5: screaming boy

Hi all, I'm writing this post for Finn today.

He has learned how to make a mirror-breaking, tooth-aching, high-pitched scream! Geoff is convinced that this was going to happen as he himself was capable of such blood-curdling shrieks. Until further notice, we are wearing earplugs :)

Nov 27: Grand Prix

This was taken at Kine's going away party at Malibu Grand Prix.

We played mini-golf (Daddy won!!) and raced cars around (not me :(

Tante Mikki went fast (Daddy went faster!) Mommy went so fast she lost control and hit the curb. Daddy says she "got some air" and thinks it was cool. Mommy says it's not nice to drive so recklessly. I want to drive like Daddy when I get older - he says that it's more fun... Uh-oh, here comes mommy - bye!

Dec 1: face fall

After swim class on Saturday, I jumped out of Daddy's arms and landed flat on the parking lot of Marshall's. :(

What a surprise! After coming to believe the world is a safe and loving place, I learned it can be unexpectedly and unpredictably painful and cruel. What a betrayal!

I busted up my mouth and chin and cried like bloody hell for an hour. I finally nursed myself into a fitful sleep. When I woke later the swelling was almost gone and within 24 hours I had healed nicely. It's like a super-power =) Now all I have is a little scrape on my chin as a reminder of my "face fall" as Daddy calls it. He says he'll have to teach me to put my face to one side next time.

All better.

Dec 1: 4th swim class

I love the pool. I think I am really swimming... what do you think?

Daddy and I have really been enjoying these times together. We swim after rubber duckies, play circle games, swim on my tummy and back.

More swimming from Finn! Hy-Finn: Can't hold me down...

Nov 29: Well baby

Mommy and Daddy and I went to the doctor for my well-baby visit last Thursday.
Here's the update:

28" long (85%)
19 lb 1 oz (73%)
a big head (75%)

At least my head is not disproportionate to the rest of me. I'm healthy and still growing at breakneck speed! When will I slow down??

Saturday, November 24, 2007

We miss you Kine!

Kine played peek-a-boo in Norwegian with Finn this Thanksgiving. It goes something like this: when you hide your face you say "Borte" which means "away". Then when you pop out you say "Tittei!" which is the Norwegian version of "Peek-a-boo!"
When I said "tittei" this morning Finn looked at me funny. Then I said "That probably reminds you of Kine" and he smiled and laughed when I said Kine. So Kine, hope you are happy and enjoying Bergen right now - we miss you :) Say hi to everyone from Finn!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Can't hold me down...

Mommy and Kine were talking on my birthday and this is what I "overheard"...

Mommy: I wonder if Finn will start crawling before you leave. I know you were hoping he would.
Kine: Doesn't look like it; I guess closer to 7 months now.
Mommy: Yeah, too bad.

Well! I never! I'll show you two. And I did; I started crawling the day after my birthday. I won't do it while being filmed however, since that's "smile at the camera" time...

I've also impressed my Mormor by saying "hi" to the nice people sitting behind us at church on Sunday.

Here are videos from my swimming at home this last summer, and from last weekend at my first swim "class"...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

6 months old!

Figgy pudding? No! It's red/pink beet cereal half-year old birthday "cake" with yoghurt "icing" =) (not sold in stores) mmm...

For moi?


And I can make as big a mess as I am capable of?

Pretty good even if it is pink...

Wow, this is for me too?

Thanks Kine!!!

You *know* that after this we had a thorough bathing and a long nap.
Happy 6 months old Finn!!
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Eyes up here pal!

Who has the nicest cleavage?
Maybe I need some new clothes for Christmas (12 month size and up)?
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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Other people's toys are better than my own

Is that a butterfly on your shoe bothering you Kine? Hold on a sec, let me take care of that for you...

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Coonskin cap

No Kine! I want it this way... it's rakishly handsome :)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Fresh food feeder

After a workout I need my energy, so I chew on new "baby-safe fresh food feeder"!
I hope they start coming in flavors beside banana!

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Li'l Yoda

Mommy says: May The Force be with you.
Daddy says: You don't know the power of The Force. Hhhwwww...hhhhaaaaa
I say: Cool lightsaber, see...!!

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Big boy crib

Well, it looks like the person who voted for waving might win...
It's hard to say I am waving like a mommy or daddy yet, but it looks something like this...
The waver (that's me) pumps arms excitedly (beating on whoever is holding me) and grins widely at the wavee (anyone I know really well because I also have...
Stranger Anxiety
Hold me and hear me cry. You are now forewarned.

On a happy note, Daddy put my big boy crib together (I was squished in the cradle), and I have slept one whole night (9 - 5) in it by myself! Happiness abounds all around!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

What face should we carve into this pumpkin?

Maybe this one????

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

New tricks

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, I've been learning some new tricks these past few weeks... like rolling from my back to my stomach, sitting up by myself, blowing raspberries (with and without food! and it is fun) and saying hi! Boy am I tired.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fooood... mine, none for you.

Gimme that! And stay back or you'll get the splat...

Happy 5 months old, Finn!!!
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Friday, October 12, 2007

Playing cowboys with grandpa

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Indoor Skydiving

Last weekend, Mommy and Daddy and Tante Kine went indoor skydiving. It was fun!! I can go when I am 3, so you just wait and see...

Monday, October 8, 2007

Seefood diet


I'm getting bigger EVERY DAY.

I had my last well-baby visit on Sept 28.

I was 16 lb. 5 oz.
25-1/2 inches long

I'm eating lots of different foods:
rice cereal
applesauce (mM mhm Mm)
sweet potato
green beans (I don't like this!)
sweet peas
and now...
prunes (yumm!)
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Sunday, October 7, 2007

This spoon tastes metally :b

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

For Mormor

Hy Mormor,
this adorable pout is just for you =(

I love you too.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Come and get some

Today we got a new camcorder. It is super cool. I just know it is because of me =)
Mommy and Daddy are still figuring out how it works. So, until then, please enjoy this rather flattering head shot. It's a bit outdated, and I've worked on my pecs (and pecks) since this was taken. I do think it still drives the ladies wild...

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Bad nose

Boy, I sure want to eat. Nothing would make me happier (this week). Everyone else is eating, why can't I?

Last week, I found my spoon sitting in front of me and tried to get it into my mouth. This was not so easy since my nose kept jumping in the way. Pesky nose, but I thought I outsmarted it. I finally got the spoon - but no food!! I know it was my nose that hid the food, but how, and what can I do for revenge?

Saturday, September 8, 2007

My Movie Contract

Last night I began my illustrious movie career (that's not presumptuous, just ambitious, btw).

Daddy and Tante Mikki are laughing with me, while tante Shan holds my best side to the camera. My laugh sounds so funny it set off even more peals of laughter. We laughed until our (chubby) cheeks hurt.

Later on I decided I needed to show my soulful side to the watching world also. Some good advice about a balanced portfolio and not being typecast as the goofy, comic sidekick that I learned by watching Inside the Actor's Studio. "The transformation is complete" as Will Ferrell said.

I have to think while they are filming this for me... do they ever stop talking... seriously. Can't we have a moment of gravitas for my performance?

Movie contract... here I come.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Today I had 2 new firsts...

First first, I got to ride in my stroller without the carseat. No one told me you could even do that! I will never ride in my stroller in the carseat again. I actually got to see stuff for once. Now that's what I'm talking about. BTW, can I eat this?

And even better, I got my first cereal tonite. It's like baby-crack and now I'm keeping Mommy and Daddy awake late - heehee.

Maybe tomorrow Daddy will teach me to drive...

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Much love

This will be a long blog, 'cause there's lots of people I love.

Mommy (picture taken at the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz last weekend)

and Daddy (taken at Scott and Gail's pirate Wedding).

Mormor and Grandpa Yummy see me all the time.

Chillin' with Tante Shan Shan.

Mima and Poppa don't get to see me as much as I know they'd like... but I think of them often. Here we are in Maplewood, NJ.

I love Tante Mikki.

Tante Kine loves me lots. Jeg laerer Norsk! Here we are at the Garden of Eden last weekend.

Hsiu-Li helped my Daddy deliver me.

My friend Annika is a big girl. Maybe I'll be big like her one day.

I'm helping Bestefar give me a bottle.

Aunt Ali and I went swimming last weekend. I really like to splash in the pool.

Aunt Nadine visited soon after I was born.

Aunt Cheryl and I have lots of fun - she's funny.

Aunt Lisa and I like to play dress up.

Uncle David says 'wuz up? I don't know... am I up?

Addison's pretty cool.

Uncle Barry's holding me like a pro - who'd have guessed...

Two of my cousins - Bailey and Gabe.

Great Grandma (G.G.)

My Bradley Class

and the instructor, Cynthia.