This will be a long blog, 'cause there's lots of people I love.

Mommy (picture taken at the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz last weekend)

and Daddy (taken at Scott and Gail's pirate Wedding).

Mormor and Grandpa Yummy see me all the time.

Chillin' with Tante Shan Shan.

Mima and Poppa don't get to see me as much as I know they'd like... but I think of them often. Here we are in Maplewood, NJ.

I love Tante Mikki.

Tante Kine loves me lots. Jeg laerer Norsk! Here we are at the Garden of Eden last weekend.

Hsiu-Li helped my Daddy deliver me.

My friend Annika is a big girl. Maybe I'll be big like her one day.

I'm helping Bestefar give me a bottle.

Aunt Ali and I went swimming last weekend. I really like to splash in the pool.

Aunt Nadine visited soon after I was born.

Aunt Cheryl and I have lots of fun - she's funny.

Aunt Lisa and I like to play dress up.

Uncle David says 'wuz up? I don't know... am I up?

Addison's pretty cool.

Uncle Barry's holding me like a pro - who'd have guessed...

Two of my cousins - Bailey and Gabe.

Great Grandma (G.G.)

My Bradley Class

and the instructor, Cynthia.
1 comment:
Oh my, you sure are cute, my little puddle. We need some more blackmail pictures, though, now while you're still you and impressionable. I'll make sure to get some great ones tonight. =) Your future girlfriends will really appreciate my efforts now.
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