Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fooood... mine, none for you.

Gimme that! And stay back or you'll get the splat...

Happy 5 months old, Finn!!!
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Anonymous said...

Hi Precious Little Pumpkin,
Can't believe you've grown so fast! And you get cuter every day!
Pretty soon you'll be walking to Mormor and Grandpa house. =)
Hugs and kisses,
Mormor & Grandpa Yummy

Anonymous said...

You cannot come over and play at Tante Shan Shan's house if you continue to hoarde your yummy food in such a fashion. You are awfully cute, though, so I will forgive this and you can come over any day!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Finn,

You look great in prune! Happy 5 months!


Mima and Poppa