Here is my Mom at my baby shower May 5 (just 9 days before I came). She sure looks big...

And it's no wonder! I was 7 lb 8 oz, 20 inches long and very healthy. Mommy and Daddy took Bradley classes to prepare for me coming. I think they did a great job.

And it's no wonder! I was 7 lb 8 oz, 20 inches long and very healthy. Mommy and Daddy took Bradley classes to prepare for me coming. I think they did a great job.
Everyone says I kicked a lot ... and still do. I'm a strong little boy. I rolled over for the first time at around 6 weeks. I also have been standing (with help) and trying to "walk" for a long time.
I started lifting my head up even before the cord was cut... too bad there isn't a picture of that - it would have been really cool.
Here's one of me cuddling with Mommy instead.

I was born with lots of dark hair, but now it is falling out.
My Bestefar is bald too, so it's OK.
Maybe I'll be blond like Mommy when it grows back.
At my 2 month well-baby visit I weighed 11 pounds, but at 3 months I weighed 13lbs 11 oz!!
Now my mommy says I'm a fat little boy - what does that mean?
Hi Little Pig,
Your Tante Shan Shan thinks you're just fine. Don't worry about your mommy calling you a fat little boy. Double chins are all the rage right now. =)
Tomorrow let's work on the "o" vowel, kay?
<3 your Tante
My Goodness! You've grown so much since the last time I saw you Mr. Finn! Look at those little sausage legs. I love it!
Hope your Mommy and Daddy are doing well. We miss them. Say hi to them for us.
Take Care of them! [sometimes they need it. : ) ]
This is absolutely wonderful! It looks like you've gained weight again since I last saw you. What is your mom feeding you, anyway? I hope you keep the entries coming. We love you, near or far, Mima and Poppa
Wow, Finn, you sure are growing fast! Keep it up, and soon you'll be bigger than your parents. Then you'll really be able to dictate what everyone does.
Hi sweet little pumpkin! Grandpa John says "hi Goober-dude!" You are without a doubt the cutest little fat boy we have ever seen. Can't wait to see you grow and learn. We love you very much!
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